Purpose of Education
With this training, the participants understand how they can find solutions to the
management conflicts they experience in their own companies, the problems they
have to live with as a result of the lack of management effectiveness, that being a
family member and being a part of the company management are different things.
How the advantages of being a family business can be used as a driving force for the future of
the company; How the disadvantages of this training can be improved is another gain of the
participants of this training. During the training, the practices turned into a case study allow
the participants to question their family/company relationships.
Content of the Training
• Overview of management and management: Management models, Management habits
• Management approach in family companies: How management is perceived in family companies, Management in
family companies, Management problems in family companies (transfer of management as a result of the death of the
founding partner and/or withdrawal from management), Typical characteristics of family companies and their
reflections on management, Transition from traditional structure to corporate identity and the pains of getting used to it
• Management focuses in family companies: Power centers in family companies, Boss, manager, use of
power, delegation of authority, professionalization, Why a corporate identity, a corporate management
approach?, If I exist, there is a company, Raising the crown boss
• Separation of family and company: Separate management of family and company, Family council for family; the need
to establish a management/executive board for the company
• Examples of success and failure: Management structure and understanding in successful family companies,
Management structure and understanding in unsuccessful family companies, Case studies
• Working on successful implementation roadmap.
Target Group
Professional managers at the level of founders, partners, general managers and assistants of all small,
medium and/or large-scale family companies can attend the training.