Purpose of Education
To ensure that employees embrace their institutions and reflect team spirit while working, thus
establishing positive communication with each other/customers.
Content of the Training
• Company football or football football?
• Personal involvement. What is the corporate culture and team spirit?: Characteristics of the winning team
• Success areas of companies: Efficiency, Relationships, Quality
• Efficiency: What does efficiency mean in the organization? To increase efficiency?
• Relationships: Human relations and communication, Benefits of good communication, Barriers to
effective communication, Workshop (personality analysis), Understanding behaviors,
Misinterpreting reasons, Limiting behaviors, Basic behaviors, Behavioral reactions, Self-fulfilling
prophecies, Stress behaviors, Behavioral disorders and symptoms , Helping people with their
problems, Our own behavior, Benefits of understanding behavior
• Quality: System and product/service quality, Personal quality, Good friend/citizen/employee
• Management elements in corporate culture: Responsibility, Commitment, Initiative
• Corporate culture and you: Individual with corporate culture and team spirit awareness, Workshop, Advantages
of corporate culture, Obstacles, Watching your back, Attitudes and behaviors in corporate culture, Workshop,
Personal productivity, Personal relationships, Personal quality
• Delegation: What is delegation?, Advantages of delegation, Concrete and abstract delegation
rules for employees
• Corporate culture and managers: Managers and internal communication, Useful suggestions for managers
• X and Y theories. The law of irresponsibility. The company where the corporate culture and team spirit is
embedded: Invisible dividing line, Examples of inadequacy in owning the business, Positive and negative
corporate culture, Vicious circles, “We” culture
Target Group
Employees responsible for Human Resources practices, company owners, managers and executive