Purpose of Education
To gain competencies such as seeing the working environment from a different perspective, knowing how
to create an orderly and clean working environment and how to ensure its continuity.
Content of the Training
• What 5S brings to the company
• Steps of 5S
• Seiri: Unnecessary, unused material / item / tool, etc. sorting things out
• Seiton: Identifying and organizing the safest and most efficient locations for materials
• Seiso: Cleaning the 5S area
• Seiketsu: Standardizing the conditions obtained in the first 3 steps
• Shitsuke: Education and discipline. Making the standards defined in the 5S field a habit,
enabling employees to use the 5S thinking style everywhere
• 5S implementation plan
• Basic conditions of successfully implementing 5S
Target Group
Managers, engineers and technical staff working in production and related units who will take part in the
establishment and implementation of the 5S system within the company. This training can also be given to the
worker level.